About Bali

Learning about Balinese culture is a wonderful, life changing experience. Bali has one of the most unique and fascinating cultures in the world. This amazing island is known by many evocative name one such as "The Island of the Gods". It is also one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. Bali has long been a world-renowned and attractive destination that will bring to you the warm climate, beautiful tropical sweeping white sand (and some black sand) beaches, emerald oceans, palm trees and warm hospitality of the local people who live within ancient traditions and yet embrace the modern world.

Its geographical location makes it convenient: all within four hours flight from Singapore, Perth, Australia, or Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur offering a great opportunity to be immersed in a vibrant culture without having to go too far ‘off the map”.

Bali appears to exist for the celebration of joy and happiness and your choice of lifestyle, from golf greens overlooking the magnificent ocean, art galleries in the lush heart of Ubud to the underwater delights of Menjangan on the north coast, it’s all here.

Having rebounded from a series of global and political difficulties Bali has rebuilt its international profile, redefining itself as a destination that prides itself on offering sanctuary to all. Development and investment is on the increase while the tourism figures continue to buck the trend and show that Bali really is the jewel of South East Asia. Bali opens its doors to everyone with an open-faced welcome and armfuls of flowers.

An Ideal Environment

Bali Expatriates

 Bali Geography

 Balinese Spirituality

Candi Dasa



 Infrastructure in Bali



 Nusa Dua




 Temple Festivals




An ideal environment                                                                                                 

A chain of volcanoes stretches across the island helping to create an ideal environment for tropical rainforests, cultivated rice fields, mangrove swamps, and both black sand beaches (volcanic) and white sand beaches with some world class surf.

Balinese spirituality

The hypnotising sounds of gamelan orchestras, beautiful textiles, intricate paintings and carvings are all interconnected with Balinese spirituality and Balinese religion, Hindu Dharma ; a way of life virtually unchanged over time. It's hardly surprising that people are captivated with this tropical island paradise and for some who come for a holiday it quickly becomes a home and they never leave!

Temple Festivals

Temple festivals are commonplace. Each village will hold some sort of colourful ceremony for each one of its own temples a couple of times a year. Add to this the rituals and celebrations for each persons' passage from birth, puberty, marriage, childbirth to death and the after-world, and include the major island-wide celebrations like Galungan, Kuninganand Nyepi; the day of silence when the whole island closes down in fear of evil spirits flying in from the sea, and you can begin to understand how important religion in Bali is.



Art, culture and day to day activities for most Balinese are strongly bonded to a unique form of Hinduism called Hindu Dharma, which is widely thought to be the closest example to the religion and social framework that existed in Java during the zenith of its power and is now found nowhere else. Classical dance dramas based on the old Hindu epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabarata which arrived from Java, are like everywhere else in Indonesia, mixed with pre-Hindu animist belief and peculiar local folklore. Not all Balinese adopted the new Hindu religion though. The Bali Aga who now live in isolated groups in the mountains at Trunyan and Tenganan, for example, preferred their ancient animist beliefs, which are still practiced and remain largely intact today.

Bali Expatriates  BACK TO TOP

Bali is also home to large and dynamic community of professional and creative expatriates. This has resulted in a considerable number of businesses and small industries ranging from furniture exporters to fashion designers establishing themselves and in turn attracting like-minded people. As many of these expatriates have chosen to make their homes in Bali, the number of international accredited schools has increased dramatically over the last five years and now there are quality educational facilities for Japanese, Korean, German, Russian, French and English native speakers.

Bali lifestyle for the expat community is second to none! World class restaurants, bars and clubs go hand in hand with designer shops, shopping malls, state of the art medical facilities and a huge selection of entertainment and activity options.

Infrastructure in Bali


The infrastructure in Bali has also been developing rapidly in recent years. Dual carriage ways now connect the international airport at Ngurah Rai to the west and east coasts, broadband satellite internet connections and Wi-Fi hotspots can be found in all major tourist areas and in the residential enclaves of Seminyak and Canggu. It all adds up to create a strong and dynamic cosmopolitan living and working environment in one of the world's most beautiful island paradises. With the new airport and major new underpass system and toll road connecting Nusa Dua to Sanur and the airport and dramatically reducing travelling times.

Bali Geography

Bali measures approximately 140km by 90km and covers an area of 5,632 km2 just south of the equator between the islands of Java and Lombok . Beautiful terraced rice fields carved into hillsides and mountain slopes dominate the landscape and, like everything else in Bali , serve more than one purpose. They provide food, of course, but the very system of cultivation is tightly woven into a complex social fabric. Dissecting a luscious green landscape and filling the air with the enchanting sounds of moonlight; rivers and irrigation streams can be found everywhere.

Bali is divided by a string of impressive and authoritative volcanoes running almost directly through the centre of the island and their high level of activity over the years has resulted in an exceptionally fertile land. Mountains, and in particular volcanoes, are believed to be the home of the gods. They are shrouded in mystery and magic, and in Bali they stretch skywards in majestic and divine splendour.

Weather  BACK TO TOP


Temp Range (C/F)



Temp Range (C/F)



17 / 62 - 30 / 86



21 / 70 - 31 / 88



17 / 62 - 29 / 84



22 / 71 - 32 / 90



17 / 62 - 29 / 84



21 / 70 - 32 / 90



17 / 62 - 31 / 88



20 / 68 - 32 / 90



18 / 65 - 31 / 88



19 / 66 - 31 / 88



19 / 67 - 31 / 88



18 / 64 - 31 / 88




Health insurance is recommended when visiting Bali as tropical weather will challenge non-Asians visitors. The heat and humidity can take some getting used to. Sunburn is normal so it is worth being aware that the tropical sun is extremely intense. The best advice is to cover up and don't fry as soon as you check in to your villa! There will be opportunities on every day of your visit to build up the sun tan.

Dehydration is another common cause of discomfort, so drink as much water as you can. For serious health issues, Bali has a number of modern medical facilities and Singapore 's world-class physicians and institutions are a two hour flight away.


Indonesians, particularly the Balinese, love children. They are exceptional babysitters and local babysitting services can easily be organized if you are bringing small children. Most of them are well trained and managed by credible companies and able to communicate in English.



Sanur retains the charm of a typical Balinese village whilst at the same time attracting international hotels and developments. Up until the time when Nusa Dua was designated as the “tourist zone”, Sanur was the place to be. In the seventies, boutique hotels in Sanur such as Tanjung Sari, played regular host to stars such as Mick Jagger and David Bowie. Since the real estate boom started here on the island, Sanur has somehow been left behind in comparison to other areas such as Seminyak and Nusa Dua. This however is most definitely not a negative, as Sanur still holds true Balinese charm that other areas may have to a certain degree lost. White sandy beaches, lazy beach cafes and restaurants offer a very relaxing lifestyle with great families facilities and international schools all nearby.


World renowned for its stunning sunsets, bars & restaurants that offer some of the finest dining in Asia along with its chic and stylish fashion boutiques, Seminyak has now proved itself as the most popular destination for both high net investors, seeking fantastic returns and tourists alike.

No matter where you are in Seminyak, you are only minutes from the beach! The area not only offers all the buzz and excitement required to enhance your holiday experience, but also provides investors with the opportunity to benefit from the highest rental yield that the island has to offer.



Located on the peninsula of the southern tip of Bali, Nusa Dua is a specially created oasis of 4 & 5 star luxury resorts and hotels with the most recognizable hotel brands throughout the world. Perfect for those who enjoy the finer things in life and those visiting Bali for a romantic honeymoon or any other special occasions, Nusa Dua offers a contained tropical paradise with high end amenities and secure un-crowded beaches.

Nusa Dua is a perfect spot to relax and unwind under the tropical sunshine amidst a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Nusa Dua provides a tranquil point of relaxation and reflection. Water sport activities are vast and varied, and typically on offer in the selection of 4 & 5 star hotels in this area. However a short drive away or walk around the bay to Tanjung Benoa, many water sports and day tours are available from Water Skiing, to Snorkeling and Parasailing.

If you want to venture outside of the Nusa Dua complex, a perfect place to eat would be at Jimbaran beachside cafes. Pristine white sand beaches for soaking up the sun by day turn into Bali’s seafood heaven by night, as this world famous dining experience has restaurants and bars offering fish, fish and more fish, for seafood lovers!

Jimbaran has shown a huge amount of modernization over the last few years and many new fine dining options are now rivaling those in Seminyak such as Sundara at the Four Seasons, Balique, Bvlgari, St Regis, the new Mulia Hotel with many rave reviews and many more.

A perfect place to eat would be at Jimbaran beach side cafes. Pristine white sand beaches for soaking up the sun by day turn into Bali’s seafood heaven by night, as this world famous dining experience has restaurants and bars offering fish, fish and more fish, for seafood lovers! Jimbaran has shown a huge amount of modernization over the last few years while still maintaining it's traditional Bali character. Many new fine dining options are now rivaling those in Seminyak such as Sundara at the Four Seasons.  Top restaurant to visit on a lower budget is Balique and Mentega on the beach. Body boards can be hired on the beach for a small amount to enjoy surfing the gentler waves for the kids.



For decades Ubud has been the cultural centre of Bali and is known worldwide for its history and love of fine arts, crafts, dance and music. Unique five star hotels overlook some of Bali’s most stunning views yet Ubud is still also popular with backpackers looking for elements of culture and inspiration.

Nestled against dramatic backdrops of sculptured rice paddies, rivers and stunning hillsides, Ubud harbors a number of palaces, temples, museums and galleries along with a host of chic cafes and restaurants yet all within easy access to the mountains of the north, beaches and the capital Denpasar.


Unspoiled nature welcomes many to North Bali, the coastal towns of Lovina, and in the east Candi Dasa and Amed and beyond. More frequent with black volcanic sand, these areas offer a sedate charm at a much slower pace to that of Southern Bali, yet as tourism in these areas continue to grow, a magnitude of good level restaurants and hotels have started to appear in these upcoming areas.

Lovina & Candi Dasa are world renowned diving destinations in Bali with the best dive spots being located at Batu Tiga, Tulamben (for beginners) and Amed. Wake up to the majestic sights of sunrise dolphin watching in Lovina as you gentle float upon the sparkling waters or be entertained throughout the day in Padang Bai with a large selection of water sports, snorkeling and diving lessons, there is plenty to experience in these once sleepy corners.

If you would like more information on any of the above then please CONTACT US



Bali Cool Property - trade name for P.T. Bali Goa Gong - specialising in the sale of property in Bali, villas for rent, villas for sale, land for sale and in general all property sales in Bali.